We have established staged sets of training materials, that allow non-programmers to put together sensors, effectors, communications and control electronics and build new devices.

Building a Biomaker project description

We have started a multi-stage training scheme. Stage 1 is based on the Seeed Studio Grove Beginner Kit and the Biomaker Starter Handbook - this provides a step-by-step introduction to no-code programming of microcontrollers with XOD. Completion of this mini-course can lead to Stage 2. The second stage includes a Totem mini-stand and custom set of additional electronic components for expansion of the Beginner Kit. Stage 3 includes a set of IoT devices, the Wio Terminal. plug-in battery pack and LoRa long-range wireless communication module.

We have adopted Hackster.io as the web platform for documenting Biomaker projects. Hackster provides a simple menu-driven interface for easily assembling project descriptions. As projects are entered, the identities of parts are entered, and these provide a link to other projects that use the same components. The individual or team that own the project are also credited with this and each participant can build a portfolio of projects that they have participated in - potentially a very useful addition to a CV.

Log in and create a project using your proposal as a guide (select the blue "submit a project" button). This will also have the effect of advertising your project to the ~1,500,000 users of Hackster.  Project descriptions can be easily expanded over the course of your project. Projects can also be revised, and branched to create portfolio of related activities. You should submit your project to the Biomaker platform (https://www.hackster.io/biomaker). Hackster handles the mechanics of integrating your project with 10,000's of existing projects. Hackster provides a knowledge base with a wide range of helpful information to help get started (http://help.hackster.io/knowledgebase).

Circuit diagrams

Fritzing is a low-cost software package that allows the simple construction of electronic circuit diagrams and schematics. It has a built-in library of parts and allows drag-and-drop assembly and wiring of custom circuits.

We have commisioned the construction of a Fritzing part for the Grove Beginner board, which can be downloaded here: (Grove_Beginner_Kit.fzpz)

Fritzing can be downloaded at: https://fritzing.org