Development of an anti-TFF3 functionalized surface to capture of Barrett’s oesophagus cells
The Idea
We have successfully developed a non-endoscopic diagnostic test involving a cell-collection device that, coupled with the biomarker trefoil factor 3 (TFF-3), diagnoses Barrett’s oesophagus, the only known precursor of oesophageal adenocarcinoma. We propose to fabricate an anti-TFF3 functionalized surface to capture of Barrett’s oesophagus cells. This prototype will provide the backbone for the development of microfluidic device for capture of Barrett’s oesophagus cells and further characterization rom Cytopsponge samples.
The Team
Gianmarco Contino (Rebecca Fitzgerald Lab, MRC-CU, Cambridge University), designed the project and provide the biological expertize and reagents to design and optimize the functionalized surface.
Miranda Robbins, (Department of Chemical Engineering and Biotechnology, University of Cambridge) manufactures the functionalized surface and collaborate to the testing.
Project Outcomes
Project Report
Project report and documentation on Github
Project Proposal
Original proposal and application
Project Resources
Hardware Schematics
Bill of Materials
Software Code